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Team > Jennifer Kallenbach, M.ed.

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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
Chair of Planetary & Public Health

Jennifer Kallenbach is currently pursuing her PhD at the Chair of Planetary and Public Health at the University of Bayreuth. She possesses a Bachelor of Science in Teaching at Vocational Schools in Health Sciences and Biology, as well as a Master of Medical Education. Her six years of working experience in nursing school constitute a significant component of her academic career. In her current role as a research assistant at the Medical School Hamburg, she draws on her experience in university teaching in the areas of health behavior research, health literacy promotion, and school development.

In pursuit of a forward-thinking, interdisciplinary development for herself and for health professionals, Jennifer intends to address the present and future challenges posed by planetary and environmental changes and the requirements for health professionals and their ability to deal with them at the University of Bayreuth. The subject of her current dissertation is, therefore, the investigation of potential determinants of a planetary health literacy model for health professionals. The aim of this investigation is to maintain, protect, and promote the planetary health literacy of this target group in a healthcare system characterized by global change. The focus of this investigation is on the health of the professionals themselves, the recipients of their care, and the planet.

Qualifications and Experience

since 2025PhD student at the Chair of Planetary and Public Health, University of Bayreuth, Germany
since 2022Research and Teaching Assistant at the Department of Education, Faculty of Human   Sciences, Medical School Hamburg, Germany
2021 – 2022Medical Educator in nursing education, Segeberger Kliniken GmbH, Germany
2018 – 2021Vocational school teacher in nursing education, Segeberger Kliniken GmbH, Germany
2018 – 2021Master's Degree in Medical Education (M.Ed.), Medical School Hamburg, Germany
2015 – 2018Bachelor's Degree in Teaching at Vocational Schools (B.Sc.), University of Hamburg, Germany
2012 – 2015

Apprenticeship as an certified Pediatric Nurse, UKSH Academy Lübeck, Germany


Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
Chair of Planetary & Public Health

Planetary Health

  • Climate-specific and Planetary Health Literacy
  • Education for Planetary Health

Methodological focus

Evidence synthesis through systematic reviews, model and assessment development, empirical research


Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
Chair of Planetary & Public Health

Jennifer Kallenbach, M.ed.
External PhD student

Universitätsstraße 30 

95447 Bayreuth

E-mail: Jennifer.kallenbach@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Daniela Jahreiß

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